how to detox from fentanyl at home

In this case, withdrawal symptoms usually start within about 30 hours of removing the patch and can last for around 10 days. At a detox treatment center, doctors can help people transition from fentanyl to another opioid such as methadone. However, the fentanyl withdrawal timeline may vary depending on the person’s metabolism and how long they have been using the drug. On the other hand, someone who uses fentanyl daily is much more likely to have withdrawal symptoms that are more severe, particularly if they have been using larger amounts. As with other opioids, fentanyl withdrawal is not considered to be deadly.

Get Help for Fentanyl Addiction

Addiction Resource aims to provide only the most current, accurate information in regards to addiction and addiction treatment, which means we only reference the most credible sources available. Fentanyl addiction is a complicated disorder, especially as some people have consumed it accidentally and may not realize that they are dealing with this specific form of drug abuse. However, different variables can affect how long opioids stay in the system, including metabolism and how long the person has used the drug. Fentanyl has an elimination half-life of eight to ten hours, which means that it takes roughly that amount of time for the body to eliminate half of the drug. Fentanyl detox will occur whether or not a person seeks treatment, provided that they do not take more fentanyl after they initially stop using it. During detox, the person may begin experiencing the first signs of withdrawal.

Not sure if your medication is considered an opioid?

These are often called post-acute withdrawal symptoms, and they may occur for a few months after stopping fentanyl. Fortunately, withdrawal and detox symptoms can be managed in a medical setting. By participating in an inpatient detox and withdrawal program, people can get through the experience safely and more comfortably. Because of fentanyl’s short half-life of 219 minutes, withdrawal symptoms can begin as early as two to four hours after the last use, but they will generally develop within 12 hours. The helpline at is available 24/7 to discuss the treatment needs of yourself or a loved one.

  1. The drug they thought was heroin was simply fentanyl and cutting agents.
  2. If you feel the need to manage withdrawal symptoms, talk to your healthcare team right away.
  3. Because of fentanyl’s ultra-high potency and its short half-life, withdrawal from this opioid can be especially harsh, and people who try to detox on their own might not succeed.
  4. With opioid replacement therapy, a long-acting opioid medication such as methadone or buprenorphine is used to keep drug cravings and withdrawal symptoms to a minimum.

Stages of Fentanyl Withdrawal

Many people who use substances want to escape their addiction, but fear of withdrawal keeps them from trying. However, millions of people have found long-term recovery, and that period of detox and was a small but necessary price to pay for huge rewards. To find another treatment program, browse the top-rated addiction treatment facilities in each state by visiting our homepage, or by viewing the SAMHSA Treatment Services Locator. Fortunately, treatment is available, and people do recover from fentanyl addiction. From there, the person can taper off of opioids gradually, allowing the body to get used to the change over time.

Your healthcare professional may recommend mixing suboxone with alcohol combining your taper with counseling from an alcohol and drug counselor. Counseling can help you learn ways to cope with stress, identify early warning signs of relapse and keep you from taking opioids. Your healthcare professional may recommend continued counseling after you’ve completed your opioid taper. Your healthcare professional may prescribe opioids to help you get through a few days of severe pain after surgery or a serious injury. Opioid medicines also can play an important role in treating pain from cancer.

how to detox from fentanyl at home

Tapering off fentanyl should be done in a medically supervised environment, where a physician will create a plan to slowly lower doses of fentanyl until a person can stop safely. Quitting cold turkey is not recommended, as it is the most difficult way to stop fentanyl use. Your doctor will determine your dosage, how often you take the replacement drugs, and how long you will be on the program.

Some illicit drug dealers make fake heroin with it, and many people treated for “heroin overdose” have no actual heroin in their system. The drug they thought was heroin was simply fentanyl and cutting agents. Even cocaine — a non-opioid — is being faked with fentanyl, which has led to an increase in fentanyl overdose cases. Synthetic opioids like fentanyl and its related compounds are currently the main drivers of drug overdose deaths in the U.S. Many people would like to stop using fentanyl but keep taking the drug to relieve intense cravings and other fentanyl withdrawal symptoms. You may have withdrawal symptoms when you stop or lessen the use of opioid medicine.

If you feel that substance use group activities any of our content is inaccurate, out-of-date, or otherwise questionable, please contact at All Addiction Resource content is medically reviewed or fact checked to ensure as much factual accuracy as possible. Some symptoms such as anxiety and depression may last for several months after the person’s last use of fentanyl. Although fentanyl is only legally available with a prescription, imitation fentanyl is often made in illegal drug labs.

When people die from fentanyl withdrawal, it’s usually due to vomiting and diarrhea, which are typical withdrawal symptoms. If left untreated, these symptoms can rapidly dehydrate the body and cause dangerously high levels of sodium to accumulate in the blood (hypernatremia). Within about three to five days, most of the symptoms come to an end. However, people can experience emotional issues after they stop using fentanyl.

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